I love Polaroid photography, and I also love plant photography… fortunately the two things go together perfectly when using an original Polaoid SX-70 camera which features an SLR viewfinder with no parallax problems when focussing closely.
These photographs were all taken using the original Chrome and Tan Polaroid SX-70 SLR camera and various generations of Impossible Project film. I often use original Polaroid accessories for close-up photography, including a tripod mount, close-up lens and remote shutter release.
Ali Millar
Key lift and Jupiter Artland on a sunny day.
Elaine Robson
Obsolete Findings
Red Road
Mandy Kerr
Colour Polaroid 600SE with Mamiya Seiko 127mm f4.7.
Fuji FP-100C peel apart.
Black and White Lomography Lomo'Instant with Fujifilm Instax Mini Monochrome instant film.