February 2021

This month we have been discussing :

Graham Vasey’s photography talk. https://hexhamphotographygroup.org.uk/graham-vasey-19th-february-2021

A Celebration of Stereoscopic 3D – Part the Second
20 – 21 FEBRUARY 2021

Book – Photography Beyond Technique

Historic photo studios – preserved and recently discovered – https://eu.mpnnow.com/story/lifestyle/2021/02/01/rare-susan-b-anthony-portrait-historical-photos-found-geneva-ny-attic-during-renovation-project/6562923002/

Firsts and fakes –

Gordon Parks – books and exhibitions – https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210203-gordon-parks-beautiful-photos-of-an-ugly-history

620 spools and respooling 120 –

Direct positive paper – how best to use and develop. https://www.ag-photographic.co.uk/harman-direct-positive-255-c.asp

Where to get digital negs done – at home printing tips and companies that produce them? – https://deadlydigital.com/services/#photographicprinting

Who has the right to your image? –

Extreme camera design – when the camera comunicates more than the images produced –

Pinhole cameras – new Stereo pinhole on Kickstarter – https://minutastereo.eu/

Our next online meetings are March 9th from 6:30pm and March 31st from 10:30am. Send us an email or DM on Social Media to get added to the call.

January 2021

Happy New Year!

Here is a quick summary of some of January’s discussions:

Nancy Breslin Pinhole Photography
A wonderful opportunity to see Washington DC artist, Nancy Breslin, talk about her work and to hear her review some of the Hexam Photography groups pinhole portfolios (16th of January).

Cliché-verre with sand.

BRNO Dry Caps and other ways to alleiviate the horrors of lens mould!

Bellows, brass, black paint! DIY view cameras.

Women Photojournalist’s (Library of Congress)

Pictorilist – F. Holland Day

Atget – 100 Years Later

The Calotype Society and the other The Calotype Society

The calendar everyone has been waiting for! LoFi 2021!
A5 duplex (PDF ~120MB) and A4 (PDF ~120MB)

Our February meetings are Tuesday the 9th from 6:30pm and Wednesday the 24th from 10:30am – DM on social media or drop us an email if you would like to join in – all welcome.