As LoFi moves into the HiFi phase of existence , we hope to bring you some more online content.
Our first virtual meeting was held last Wednesday and the main topic of conversation was Tinting.

Johnsons of Hendon Limited manufactured photographic eqipment after WWII (1948 – 1972) although the company had been opperating since 1743 in various guises.
The tinting set was kindly donated to Edinburgh LoFi by Madeline Shepherd

These dye tints require dilute layers to be built up gradually to build up the stain. (See Hand Colouring Photographs)
Further discussion of oil based tints rounded off with the use of Marlene Oil both to remove mistakes and to draw in fine highlights.

All we need now are some lantern slides!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the meeting – all our regular meetings will still take place virtually – LoFi goes HiFi – email or DM on social media to be sent the meeting link and invite. Everyone welcome. Next meet on April 14th.