Here is a quick summary of some of January’s discussions:
A wonderful opportunity to see Washington DC artist, Nancy Breslin, talk about her work and to hear her review some of the Hexam Photography groups pinhole portfolios (16th of January).
Our February meetings are Tuesday the 9th from 6:30pm and Wednesday the 24th from 10:30am – DM on social media or drop us an email if you would like to join in – all welcome.
Day 17 – Back in 2011/12 when LoFi was just getting started we did a group project called Time Place Light based in Dunbar using various lens-less photographic techniques including pinhole and solargraphs. The results can still be seen on the project blog.
The slow, methodical, procedural nature of pinhole photography as an art, mirrors the process and cycles inherent in the production of food crops and other productive flora.
Do you remember your first pinhole photograph? Where were you on pinhole day? As a group Lofi has formed some wonderful memories of shared experiences. Brittonie Fletcher reminds us of this with today’s gallery of work.
Detail from grid pinhole – The Edinburgh LoFi group taken on pinhole day 2018 by Brittonie Fletcher. (The full photo may be seen in the Let There Be Light – Part 1 exhibition.)
He has recently coined the phrase “Coronagram” – a chemigram made with expired cupbard contents. More information on an upcoming workshop with Brittonie Fletcher soon.
A Summer Meander from Elaine Robson brings us to day 7 of our online exhibition. 3 pinholes, 3 coloured Quality Street wrappers and an idle through the Scottish countryside last year.