Dalkeith – Meet John Beaver

Photographer, inventor, and artist – John Beaver is currently teaching at Dalkeith Palace as part of the “Wisconsin in Scotland” initiative of the University of Wisconsin.

John Beaver and his work by B.Fletcher
John Beaver showing his work, by B.Fletcher

… sort-of inventions of what I call cyanonegative photography and ephemeral-process photography

John is the author of The Physics and Art of Photography – a three volume set of books detailing his photographic findings.

We have the opportunity to go out to Dalkeith to visit John on Monday the 22nd of July. The grounds of Dalkeith Palace are the perfect spot for a photowalk and picnic. Please email info@edinburghlofi.com to register interest. We will meet at 11am at Dalkeith Palace.

The LRT No.3 bus opporates on a roughly half hour schedule.

Almondell and Calderwood

Summer Polaroids by O Dean
Summer Polaroids by O Dean

Hope everyone enjoyed the outing last Sunday – if you have any photos to share please email them in or add to the Flickr pool. If you are on Insagram or Twitter tag them with #edinburghlofi.

Next outing is on the 26th of August to Culross and Limekilns. Email for lunch reservations and car-pool. More information on our route mid month.

Summer Sundays 2018

This summers photowalks will be –

July – Almondell and Calderwood  Country Park

August – Culross and Limekilns Fife

September – Cyanotype Day and the Dundee Area

Please see the event listings  linked above for full details.

VDB and Cyanotype Leaves

We will car-pool and book a pub lunch on each outing – please email to register interest for these. Everyone welcome.

Plastic Colour – July 2016 Exhibition

This summers Edinburgh LoFi exhibition takes a plastic lens and colour film as it’s starting point. 10 members have returned to the techniques and technology which inspired the groups inception. Making the most of basic photographic equipment – a lightproof box and some colour sensitive film – the members have applied imagination and experience to produce a range of exciting new works which push the medium, molding and modelling light.


The exhibition is available to view at the Art & Design Library from Monday the 4th, with the opening night on Tuesday the 5th from 6pm. All welcome.

Summer Sundays – Gosford – July 2016

The first LoFi photowalk of the summer is almost here – Sunday 10th July.

Gosford Estate


Meet at 11am at the Gosford Bothy Farm Shop for coffee before we commence our walk.
Time and weather permitting we will continue to Longniddry Bents and somewhere for afternoon tea.

The 19th century façade is the perfect subject to capture with vintage cameras, but there are plenty of opportunities for landscape, waterscape and wildlife too.

Please see the photowalks event page for full details of the day.

Additional photowalks are also planned for the 2nd Sunday of August and September.