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Tag: 2016
Summer Sundays – Queensferry – August 2016
The second Sunday LoFi outing of the summer is on August the 14th.
Join us from 11am in Queensferry to take in the view of the new bridge and Port Edgar.
Across the road bridge for lunch at North Queensferry. Join us at the Albert Hotel Bar or bring a picnic.
After lunch we will stroll along the cliffs to the beach for some impromptu cyanotype photograms and seascapes.

While there is bus and train transport options we are organising a carpool and lunch reservations will also be made, so please get in contact for carpooling / lunch.
Please see the photo-walks event page for full details of the day (with map).
The next photo-walk is planned for the 2nd Sunday of September, the 11th.
Plastic Colour – July 2016 Exhibition
This summers Edinburgh LoFi exhibition takes a plastic lens and colour film as it’s starting point. 10 members have returned to the techniques and technology which inspired the groups inception. Making the most of basic photographic equipment – a lightproof box and some colour sensitive film – the members have applied imagination and experience to produce a range of exciting new works which push the medium, molding and modelling light.
The exhibition is available to view at the Art & Design Library from Monday the 4th, with the opening night on Tuesday the 5th from 6pm. All welcome.
Summer Sundays – Gosford – July 2016
The first LoFi photowalk of the summer is almost here – Sunday 10th July.
Meet at 11am at the Gosford Bothy Farm Shop for coffee before we commence our walk.
Time and weather permitting we will continue to Longniddry Bents and somewhere for afternoon tea.
The 19th century façade is the perfect subject to capture with vintage cameras, but there are plenty of opportunities for landscape, waterscape and wildlife too.
Please see the photowalks event page for full details of the day.
Additional photowalks are also planned for the 2nd Sunday of August and September.
WPPD 2016 – Pinhole Day Gallery
The results of those from the group who have submitted to can be found in the Edinburgh LoFi Gallery
Work must be submitted to them by 31st May to be included in the 2016 on-line exhibition. (Select Edinburgh LoFi
in the gallery group option.)
Email images in for our website at any time, we all want to see the cameras made and how the images made turned out. DIY instructions, tips and tricks welcome.
WPPD 2016
Thanks to everyone who made it out today – here is a digital pinhole of the group while we wait for film processing and paper developing!
Pinhole Camera Links
Pinhole Go