Plastic Colour – July 2016 Exhibition

This summers Edinburgh LoFi exhibition takes a plastic lens and colour film as it’s starting point. 10 members have returned to the techniques and technology which inspired the groups inception. Making the most of basic photographic equipment – a lightproof box and some colour sensitive film – the members have applied imagination and experience to produce a range of exciting new works which push the medium, molding and modelling light.


The exhibition is available to view at the Art & Design Library from Monday the 4th, with the opening night on Tuesday the 5th from 6pm. All welcome.

Salt Prints – The Basics

Salt Printing involves 4 stages –

  • Salting the paper.
  • Sensitising the paper.
  • Exposing the image onto the paper.


  • Fixing the image onto the paper.


Salt Printing Basics – PDF

Please be aware that the chemicals used are dangerous, ensure that you are familiar with and use all safety precautions necessary.

Further reading –

  • The Salt Print Manual by Ellie Young
  • The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes by Christopher James
  • Spirits of Salts: Working Guide to Old Photographic Processes by Randall Webb